The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121902   Message #2666548
Posted By: GUEST
28-Jun-09 - 01:07 PM
Thread Name: Chris Walshaw's ABC website relaunched
Subject: abc website relaunched
The abc notation website has been relaunched, with some exciting new features:

* a new location - the website is now hosted at
* abc tune search - the web-wide index (as it used to be known) is now searchable
* discussion forums are now available

The former address will take you the new website too.

Previous host addresses (such as and will still get you there but you should adjust your bookmarks and/or links.

The old address ( has not worked for some years now - sorry about that, but there's nothing I can do about it.

Please enjoy the new site and let me know if you have any suggestions, corrections or comments.

Chris Walshaw