The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121921 Message #2667926
Posted By: Roger the Skiffler
30-Jun-09 - 08:24 AM
Thread Name: BS: Postcard from Ithaca (Greece) 2009
Subject: RE: BS: Postcard from Ithaca 2009
Thanks, fans. I haven't uploaded my pix yet. If any look sufficiently amusing or interesting I'll put some up on Pixum & notify. Before somesmartarse points it out, the Nathanial Hawthorne book and the subsequent film was Day of the Locust, but "Year" fitted the rest of the rambling better. I was glad that restaurant freebies hadn't disappeared despite the good number of punters. One taverna gave an amuse-bouche (as the restaurant reviewers call it)of olives & olive paste, we had free afters of watermelon & baklava and fruit liqueur and tsipouro. Not at the same time or in the same taverna! She asked for a Campari fisiko (Campari & freshly squeezed orange juice) in one recently opened bar. They didn't have Campari but got some in beforeour next visit! The barman was also trying to encourage the local tottie to try it so S may have started a trend! I confess to buying 3 small souvenir-style goat bells to add to my skafi plaka. The Nation wails and gnashes teeth! RtS