The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2668683
Posted By: Fred McCormick
01-Jul-09 - 04:48 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
"we might be going in circles but it is important to keep this thread in the list of recent topics, for people who only visit every so often and might not be aware of what is happening."

I agree it's important to keep this thread going. That's partly because 'British' folk music is right in the BNP's firing line, and partly because we as singers, musicians, writers etc ought to be using whatever talent we've got to help organise against them. For the matter of that, there's also the question of what happens to the music of the rest of the world, should the BNP ever gain power. Yes, I'm talking about all the third world music which has become infinitely more accessible in this country over the last thirty years,and which the BNP would undoubtedly ban.

But internal arguing about who said what, and who's a closet troll, and who has the finest set of fascist bashing credentials won't merely get us nowhere. They are counter productive. If you want to start an argument please do it where it won't impede serious discussion.