The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121919   Message #2668887
Posted By: Gervase
01-Jul-09 - 10:01 AM
Thread Name: Motley Morris banned !
Subject: RE: Motley Morris banned !
'Political correctness' is a handy stick to wield. But consider replacing the phrase with something like 'consideration' and it sounds quite different. Just as I would hope that, even absent-mindedly, most here wouldn't wander into a synagogue eating a ham roll, so one should think about the consequences of any action.
The 'live with it' and 'I don't care' attitude shown by many of the posters here is actually quite depressing - it's sticking two fingers up to anyone else and saying 'I'm all right Jack, so sod you.'
The other depressing aspect is the default defence of any entrenched position - if someone suggests otherwise, they WRONG dammit. As has, I hope, been demonstrated, the routes of what was eventually invented as border morris are inextricably linked with the minstrel phenomenon, and that is something that should be acknowledged. Sticking fingers in ears and saying 'na-na-na-nah-na' won't uninvent those facts. It's akin to the difference between science and faith - scientists will look at evidence and change their position, whereas those with a faith-based stance cling on regardless.
Just be thankful that Hazel King didn't raise exactly those points when she decided not to have Motley Morris at the Chantry School. A far larger can of worms would have been opened. As it is we can have a discussion here about it without revealing to the wider world our blinkers and unthinking, stubborn selfishness.