The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2670974
Posted By: John P
03-Jul-09 - 05:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Little Hawk, you are, of course, once again, barking up the wrong tree. Please read what I said again, especially the part where I said, "Rather like Akenaton, in this thread at least". Do you get the nuance? I was not trying to make Akenaton guilty by association with Limbaugh. I don't think he holds the same opinions as Limbaugh on every topic. What an idiotic idea! I didn't say that, I didn't mean it, and accusing me of lazy thinking sounds like the pot calling the stainless steel pan black. Learn to read before you start mouthing off.

Yes, Akenaton has been accused of being a homophobe. Not by me, but when someone makes so much noise about how normalizing homosexuality is dangerous, one does get the idea that they don't like homosexuals. He has also, often, referred to homosexuals as if they were all the same. That may not be homophobia, but it looks a lot like its little brother. Since homophobia is a reactionary stance, and since reactionaries usually reply to being asked for logic and facts by calling people names, surely even you can see how Akenaton appears to fit the description.

You seem to be confusing confronting bigotry with an attempt to silence. Too bad for you. Ake has the right to say whatever he wants, and the rest of us have the right to let him know what we think of it. It seems to me that you have spent more time than anyone on this thread trying to silence people. It is actually fairly easy to avoid being called a homophobe or an anti-semite: don't act like one. If someone calls you that, demand that they prove it from your words and actions. You've been asked several times, without, of course, answering: What if someone was saying that black people shouldn't have the same rights as the rest of us, simply because they are black. Would you still chide people for referring to them as bigotted? Would you still try to defend them?

I also notice that ALL of the complaints you have made about how people are acting on this thread have been directed at me and Don. I agree that one should be able to have a debate without denigrating other people. The names that Akenaton has been called are all supportable by the available evidence. On this thread he is acting like a bigot, a homophobe, and a pervert. Also illogical and unwilling to support anything he says with any facts. I can support all these characterizations with quotes from him. In fact, I have done so. He, on the other hand, throws around names like moron, fucker, bottom-dweller, and anti-liberal. If you think you are being fair-minded in your complaints, take to heart the "lazy thinking" thing. Or maybe it's just selective reading.

You still haven't explained what it is about Akenaton's positions that Don and others don't understand, even though you imply that you have some deeper understanding than what is available by reading his words. Please stop making statements you are unwilling or unable to support. That's Ake's game.