The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #89103   Message #2671769
Posted By: Susan A-R
04-Jul-09 - 10:12 PM
Thread Name: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Subject: RE: Sitting At The Kitchen Table
Ooh Rapaire,

Good luck with that rotator cuff. Having a wing out of comission is no fun. Wish I could send you the one handed can opener, and my Occupational therapist who is a true jewel.

I broke my right wrist this winter, and became a pretty good one handed typist. I also discovered some things about my circle of friends that I had never had reason to know before. It still makes me misty eyed to think of it. I hope that they also make you food, bring you cds, take you grocery shopping, etc. My big difficulty was in saying "Yes, thank you."

I missed the fiddle badly (couldn't really play for 5 weeks) but what i discovered about my community was truly astounding and humbling.

I also learned that occupational therapy is a good and joyful (if painful) thing. Still doing stretches and such, but I can play and garden.

Well, If Jerry doesn't mind, I think i'll put on a kettle and settle in for a cup of mint tea to relax before bed. Just had dinner with friends, and agreed to go take 20 chickens to their demise on Tuesday along with my friend Katherine. Given what the trip with the ducks was like last fall, I think I'll wear old cloths and prepare for a gross and grubby day. But we'll laugh a lot and that's what friends are for.