The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #23807   Message #267238
Posted By: Pinetop Slim
29-Jul-00 - 09:40 AM
Thread Name: Sharon Mountain Harmony: Golden Ring of Gospel
Dear Sandy: I've had a notion to plug a new CD "Gems: Lily May Ledford" on Mudcat, but have refrained because it's not on Folk Legacy, and I deeply appreciate the support your company gives to Mudcat (and to traditional music in general). The album includes rare live and studio recordings from 1968-83 of 17 songs by Lily May Ledford -- choice from the beginning with "How Many Biscuits Can You Eat" and "Little Birdie" to the end with a most haunting version of "Red Rocking Chair" -- and five monologues telling how the Coon Creek Girls started, visited the White House, etc., and including a moving confession of Lily May's love for the audiences who rediscovered her in the late '60s. It was assembled by Cari Norris, Lily May Ledford's granddaughter. You may remember her from the first Mountain Music In the Ocean State festival that Aubrey Atwater organized a few years back. (If I did not say so at the time, accept my belated thanks for a nifty ballad workshop you had a hand in. Norris, if I remember correctly, ran a banjo workshop and helped with a dance session). Ms. Norris is marketing the album herself, accepting orders at 14806 Rehl Road, Louisville, KY 40299 at $15 per CD and $10 per tape, plus $1 per item mailing. It is on the June Appal label and I expect would also be available from Appalshop. The CD is both entertaining and informative and I suspect would be of interest to at least a few Mudcatters. -- Mark Flanagan