The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121955   Message #2672519
Posted By: Pierre Le Chapeau
06-Jul-09 - 05:06 AM
Thread Name: Knockholt Forever Autumn
Subject: RE: Knockholt Forever Autumn
What I will do Richard is marinate over one of the above meats. Lamb beef Chicken and cook the other two with Herbs and spices. I will go to Green street Green for the meats or i fear they will go off by saturday if i bring them with me on the wednesday.

My friend will deliver meat to my home but not to Knockholt. So it will have to be a shop on the friday to Green St Green ,which me and White haired Richard do anyway each Knockholt.
we usually bum a lift of someone. Linda last time.
Im glad I buried and hid all my cooking tins in Dead tree copse back in june so i can dig them up and wash them and reuse.

We tangined the Lamb last time so this time I suggest the Beef. They do have bovines in Morroco I take it? But the marinate choice is open . he can curry and slice the other meats to suit others tastes.

I dont want another marinate parlava like last time despite it all worked out great in the end.