The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122091   Message #2672674
Posted By: GUEST,Ifor
06-Jul-09 - 07:52 AM
Thread Name: BNP Hate Fest 15 August 2009 - Protest Against It
A protest will take place against the Red White and Blue fascist "festival" organised by the BNP in Derbyshire on saturday the 15th August.
Despite significent local opposition the BNP is going ahead with its nazi rally in the Debyshire countryside .In previous years the BNP members were secretly taped by BBC documentary makers singing nazi songs at the event.
In the wake of the election of two fascist BNP leaders to the European parliament it intends to use its hate fest to promote its racism, bigotry and hatreds across the country.
Unite Against Fascism is calling on every organisation and individual opposed to the fascists to join this national protest against the BNP's festival of hate in Codnor ,Derbyshire.
The peaceful protest starts at 9am with national coaches arriving from 11 am on sat 15th August .
For further info contact the Unite Against Fascism website.