The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122080   Message #2672973
Posted By: 3refs
06-Jul-09 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do some people have a death wish?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do some people have a death wish?
As a P/T cabbie, I can assure you that people in general, but the younger ones in particular, don't scare easy when it comes to vehicles. 4 abreast, walking down the middle of the road, is the usual practise around these parts.

Three years ago, we had just bought our first brand new car. After leaving the golf course, I had to travel through a construction zone in the middle of town to get home. I was gingerly navigating through the bumps and fresh gravel(20-25kms) when this 20 something came flying out of our Canadian Tire gas bar on a bike and cut me off. I had to hit the brakes hard enough for the anti-lock brake system to engage. I let that slide. He plants his bike right in the middle of the road, with no way for me to get around him. I gave what I considered a friendly toot-toot on the horn and he proceeds to give me the "one fingered salute" over his shoulder. I let that slide. Then, just when I figure I can get around him, he hangs a left turn about 10 feet(3 meters)in front of me and again I hammer on the brakes. Now I'm pissed! I put my window down and yelled at him to "get off the road". He replies with a "F--- You Old Man"(I'm prematurely grey). With that, I reply with "Shit like that will get you punched out"! To which he responds with "Bring it on "Old Man"! I stopped the car, and, after ducking the bike he threw at me, proceeded to show him that he shouldn't let the grey hair fool him. The only thing that stopped me from really laying a beating on this guy was a honk from a car horn. Sitting on his chest with my left thumb stuck in his throat up to the second knuckle, I look over my shoulder and I've got the traffic stopped in both directions.

The only comment I heard from the 4-5 cars was "I'd have just run him over the first time he cut you off"!