The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122067   Message #2673486
Posted By: Surreysinger
06-Jul-09 - 09:45 PM
Thread Name: The Idiot's Guide to Facebook
Subject: RE: The Idiot's Guide to Facebook
Actually, to be perfectly accurate it is NOT Facebook that makes that claim, but the application in question, which is an independent thing (as are all the quizzes, groups, fan pages etc). When you sign up for an application the disclaimer telling you this appears (except for the one or two applications which are actually Facebook controlled, of course). I gave up on the little green patch, the aquarium and other similar allied things ... I just got rather fed up with continually having to send plants, fish, birds etc to those who'd sent them to me, water the garden, etc etc etc Becca said, it wastes a lot of time and energy.