The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122080   Message #2673988
Posted By: Bill D
07-Jul-09 - 12:43 PM
Thread Name: BS: Why do some people have a death wish?
Subject: RE: BS: Why do some people have a death wish?
I just saw part of one of those TV programs which exist only to show crashes and disasters.

One older guy races power at 150 MPH. He flipped, broke his boat and much of himself... So, he fixed the boat, some one fixed most of him and, in spite of warnings, and went out a few months later.....yep, did it again! That stopped him, you say? a new boat and went BACK out and did one almost identical to # 2 crash. (Oh...and in crash #2, the boat went onshore and nearly got a pack of spectators.)

I didn't finish watching the one about the guy who was determined to do backflips in a snowmobile, 'cause I've seen what happens to many of the ones who do similar things on skateboards, bicycles and motorcycles.