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Thread #120107   Message #2674572
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
08-Jul-09 - 07:27 AM
Thread Name: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
Subject: RE: BS: WalkaboutsVerse Anew
I agree with much of the evolutionist argument presented by Darwin, Attenborough, etc., but it DOES have it's faults/there IS a God.

The Theory of Evolution is one of the great breakthroughs of Secular Humanism; it stands as a cornerstone of the Scientific Enlightenment which flies in the face of religion & such-like mumbo-jumbo by opening up a whole new set of possibilities that lie beyond such anachronistic constructs as Spirituality and God. The Theory of Evolution evolves as our understanding of the mechanisms grow; the evidence is steadily mounting, and our whole picture of The Natural & Entirely God-less Universe becoming each day clearer as a result. To hike religion to to The Theory of Evolution, is, I fear to miss the point of both Religion and Science. Religion is our make-believe fantasy of the unknown; Science is our means of getting to know that unknown. As the unknown recedes, so does our need for religion.

God is a character in a story we used to tell in the dark days; to the Abrahamics he created the material universe; to the Gnostics, the creator God was, in effect, The Devil. That such essential dualism filters through as we emerge blinking into the clear light of The Enlightenment (Marxist Dialectic, Nature vs. Nurture etc.) is fascinating in itself, but, at the end of a very long night indeed, to say that God created evolution is rather like saying God created Secular Humanism; or that God created Atheism; or that God created the illusion that he does not exist to test our faith.

I wonder, WAV, are you suggesting that God created the process of the universe from The Big Bang onwards, or is this inbuilt into the universe he created in 6 days back in 4004 BC, along with the Illusion of the Theory of Evolution that stands in stark contradiction to the very notion of God? If God created evolution, who doesn't it say so in The Bible?

Perhaps we find the answers here:

The Creation Museum - Prepare to believe