The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2675541
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
09-Jul-09 - 06:35 AM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
Fact is, WAV, rather like the rather fatuous excuses for morris-dancers blacking-up over on the Motley Morris Banned! thread, any opposition of immigration in this day and age becomes racist by default. There is no such thing as unlimited immigration - this is a myth you (and others) perpetuate, likewise your other somewhat unreasoned polemic which you really need to sort out, all the more so given the current climate.

In our re-Imagined English Village all the diverse ethnicities of 21st Century England will co-exist quite peaceably, as people do for the most part in my experience. Our unity will be enriched by our diversity, and our creative individuality will be greater than any so-called cultural tradition of whatever persuasion. Whilst WAV might say when people lose their culture society suffers (though what he actually means by this has never been made clear) the reality of the situation is when people lose their culture there is generally a good reason for it and the results are, invariably, liberating.

Thirty-years ago this very month four young men from the north West of England released an album that coalesced a cultural movement and remains even unto this day as iconic as it is musically definitive. In WAV's world these four young men would have been playing their own good folk music, which means they would have produced some hearty Lancastrian pastiche instead of the epic which in WAV's world is simply American Pop. WAV - your simplistic visions are charmless aversions to the actualities of cultural richness and the celebrations thereof; likewise, your persistence with immigration myths is wholly divisive and arguably specious to a deeper level of xenophobia wholly at odds with the realities of life in England in the here and now. For such word-crimes against the popular enlightenment I hereby condemn you to another day in the stocks, not so much being pelted by rotten vegetables, but being played tracks from Joy Division's Unknown Pleasures at very high volumes until you realise the obvious error of your ways.