The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2675562
Posted By: Stu
09-Jul-09 - 07:01 AM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
"But I think that questioning future ECONOMIC immigration is actually a Left Wing attitude."

No offence WAV old boy, but I think your and my ideas on immigration, economic or otherwise are poles apart.

Modern art and architecture are of course far broader churches than the old fuddy-duddys of the world ever seem to grasp. I agree that Hurst et al are basically the manufacturers of expensive derivative tat for wealthy marketing wonks with too much time on their hands and a distinct lack of taste or insight (although a well-developed ability to spot an investment or even create a market). Duchamp is probably sat in the otherlife wondering if anyone ever got it in the first place.

What about Chris Drury? Andy Goldsworthy? Richard Long? Anthony Gormley? And let's face it, Manchester has benefited greatly from architects and a local authority with vision and the courage to allow modern cutting-edge developments alongside some the finest Victorian buildings ion the world. You need to look forward to put the past into context, and like the architects of old we too should be able to articulate ourselves through this most visible means of artistic expression.