The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121919   Message #2675890
Posted By: Eric the Viking
09-Jul-09 - 02:42 PM
Thread Name: Motley Morris banned !
Subject: RE: Motley Morris banned !
For the Richard the Lionheart solution read;The Talisman by Sir Walter Scott.

I've read all the posts and for my two penneth. I think the problem with understanding why offence is taken or given is that for over a thousand years the white/light skinned person has dominated the world to a greater or lesser extent.

We (Whites/Northern and central european tribes) conquered almost everywhere, killing, raping and plundering, taking as slaves,ruling with our rules, laws and religion, assuming leadership of country and continent alike.We carried out mass genoside over centuries. It was the way it was in less enlightened times. Even with Christianity (supposed to be a religion of love not hate) we still carried on. we had the developing technology and the drive to explore,conquer and exploit on a large scale. It is still, sadly, the mindset of white peoples everywhere and comes from this long history.It's not right and we are at last working to change it. Imagine if it had been the other way round and native africans had extened their tribes and empires in the way we had. We would be the underdogs, having years of suppression.They could have invented "The Caucasian minstrel show". Their tribal dances could have mimicked white culture.

I'm not saying that there is intentional racism in some of the things we say and do but given our culture and heritage, I'm not supprised that people don't really want to understand why something might be now considered offensive.