The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122160   Message #2676310
Posted By: Spleen Cringe
10-Jul-09 - 02:51 AM
Thread Name: Richard Digance
Subject: RE: Richard Digance
Joe, are you suggesting that supporting the 'rights' of fascist organisations to speak freely is more important than supporting the rights of their victims and intended victims to live freely? You say we should get a sense of proportion because we 'only' have two fascist MEPs. So how many is too many? 10? 20? 30? By then, I fear, it would be too late to effectively stop them from doing serious damage.

Fascism - in whatever form it finds it convenient to take - needs to be exposed and absolutely marginalised before it gets enough of a hold to do genuine damage.

For the record, people having pops at the likes of Richard Digance on probably spurious grounds has nothing to do with fighting fascism. The bringing of Vin Garbutt into the argument is utterly irrelevant - its an entirely different issue. And no-one's censoring him anyway. I also think its a bloody shame that the Folk Against Fascism thread, which could have been a useful information thread about the activities of the far right in trying to infiltrate the folk scene, turned into a tedious exchange between a handful of people. Typical bloody Mudcat, I thought. But - hey - that's free speech isn't it?

Finally, if you want to see how a proportion of the UK population chooses to excercise its free speech, try the spEak You're bRanes website. It makes Mudcat look almost sensible.