The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2677153
Posted By: Little Hawk
10-Jul-09 - 10:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
"Do you really think that denying civil rights to other people isn't bad? Do you really not care?" are asking me those old "Have you stopped beating your wife and kicking your dog yet and do you still hate Jews and blond people?" kind of rhetorical questions. ;-)

Don't. It's damn silly. You know perfectly well that I think it is bad to deny civil rights to people, and so does Akenaton. I know him plenty well enough to know that. He is in favor of civil rights, as are all the other people in this discussion.

It works this way, John. If you are bound and determined to see bad intentions in what someone else says and ascribe the worst motives TO whatever he says, then you WILL see nothing but bad in what he says no matter what he says, and you'll never have a worthwhile conversation with him because your own ill will toward him and your own need to prove how "bad" he is negates the possiblity of a worthwhile conversation.

And that is the problem on this thread. Period. People's own hysterical righteous posturing is interfering with their ability to actually listen to and understand anyone else who doesn't agree with them.

And what else is new? ;-) I've been watching this ridiculous reactive BS go around for years here between the terminally righteous and the terminally vain.