The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122160   Message #2678047
Posted By: Rasener
12-Jul-09 - 05:17 AM
Thread Name: Richard Digance
Subject: RE: Richard Digance
>>On Mudcat I have ofttimes challenged the appallingly retro attitudes of certain men (and a few female hangers on) who treat music venues as places for picking up women who are apparently complicit in being treated as chattels.<<

Just trying to get my head around this.

I can't think of any folk club or folk concert venue where that happens. Maybe I go to the wrong places or I have led a sheltered life (NOT).

However, many friendships are made at such places. This may or may not lead to 2 people going out with each other.

If they are a single man or woman or indeed married, then I see nothing wrong in making friendships.

If they are married - its really up to them, if they decide they want to go off the rails.

Since I have been with my wife, I have remained faithful to her. I go to folk clubs on my own, to listen to the music, make banter and enjoy it with friends.

When I was single, I would go to discos, nightclubs, pubs etc etc, and yes, if you saw somebody you liked, you tried to tried to chat them up (it was the responsibilty of the man in those days) and sometimes that would lead to a romance, one night stand, frienship or nothing. I thought that was quite normal in life.
Nowadays, women are more forward and indeed make the first move.

It takes 2 to tango.

All I know Dianne, you have been very rude to a number of very respectable men, who you know nothing about, but becuase they make a comment on a thread, that is not to your taste, you have branded them perverts or something like that.

What the hell is wrong with you. Explain yourself?