The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122160   Message #2678848
Posted By: Howard Jones
13-Jul-09 - 04:06 AM
Thread Name: Richard Digance
Subject: RE: Richard Digance
Not as dangerous as the road towards censorship, in my opinion.

"Better, surely, to say that oppression should not be advocated on stages." I agree, but who is to decide what is "oppressive"? BE believes some of Vin Garbutt's material is oppressive, but others believe he is saying what needs to be said.

On the one hand, we have legal constraints to prevent the most extreme views being expressed. On the other, there are simple commercial constraints - if an artist's material is so contentious and unpopular that they fail to bring in an audience, they won't get booked. I don't even have a problem with an individual organiser deciding not to book an artist because they fundamentally disagree with the artist's message - that's an organiser's prerogative.

What I do object to is the idea that certain artists should be considered unsuitable to appear anywhere because some of their material expresses the "wrong" views. It is the idea that only "correct" political views should be allowed on stage which I find most dangerous.