The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2679130
Posted By: John P
13-Jul-09 - 11:39 AM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Little Hawk:
But you won't hear me call you or anyone else here an anti-semite, a homophobe, a commie, a sexist or any other term like that. And if you do catch me doing that, then toss a humorous barb my way, because I will deserve it.

And Little Hawk earlier:
And that is the problem on this thread. Period. People's own hysterical righteous posturing is interfering with their ability to actually listen to and understand anyone else who doesn't agree with them. And what else is new? ;-) I've been watching this ridiculous reactive BS go around for years here between the terminally righteous and the terminally vain.

Sorry Little Hawk, I don't seem to have a humorous barb at my fingertips. Let's just say that accusing people of posturing, of not listening, of willfully not understanding, of being ridiculous, of being reactive, and being terminally vain is a whole bunch of name calling. It's a type of name-calling that is intended to shut others up and to make it OK to marginalize their statements -- exactly what you've been bitching about. "Oh, we don't have to pay attention to what Don and John say, they're just being reactive, not really thinking at all." You are being condescending, dismissive, and rude. And accusing us of things we're not doing, like not listening to Akenaton and not trying to understand where he's coming from.

In fact, we've been listening very closely to Akenaton. We've been begging him to explain his statements, since they don't add up either factually or logically. You can tell us what a great, liberal, left-wing, thinking, caring person he is all you want, but that doesn't change the fact that he supports denying civil rights to a group of people, that he thinks there is some link between AIDS and homosexuality, that he thinks there hasn't been any research done on this theoretical link, that he thinks admitting homosexuals into normal society is in some way dangerous to straight people, that he refuses to respond when presented with facts that disagree with him, that he calls anyone who disagrees with him a moron, and that he thinks there is some left-wing conspiracy to impose thought control on everyone. All the names he's been called here are supported by the evidence he has presented about himself in this thread. Neither Akenaton nor you can say the same about the names you've called other people.

I freely admit to being angry about this topic. But you seem to be confusing anger with reactivity. Sorry, but you don't get to draw unsupported conclusions about what's going on in my head. Reactivity usually implies a lack of reality and logic. Almost everything that has been said to Akenaton has been a response to things he's said. Which is a very different thing than being reactive toward him.

One of the reasons people are getting pissed at you for trying to get everyone to act nicer on this thread is because you are doing it in a supercilious, superior, condescending, dismissive, inaccurate, and not nice manner.

Let's start with the accusation that I'm not really listening to what Akenaton is saying. I challenge you to present your evidence for this. If you can't, then please stop bringing the issue up.