The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2679196
Posted By: Little Hawk
13-Jul-09 - 12:40 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
John, why are you taking everything I say as a direct personal insult to you? I'm simply talking about why I defend underdogs and why I don't like slavish conformity to trends. I'm discussing general problems that can and do occur in ANY society, I'm not condemning you as an individual.

I don't see that Akenation is harming anyone. He's expressing an opinion which diverges from yours in some way. That doesn't harm anyone. If we are to have a free society at all, then we must be able to allow a variety of opinions to be expressed freely without treating people like heretics or monsters just because they don't echo our own viewpoint...or the latest fashionable trend.

But in saying that, I am clearly bucking the entire tide of history, because the majority of people everywhere have always looked down on people who don't support the latest fashionable trends.

Well, I resist that tendency. My belief is that resistance is not futile...and I will defend those few who are ganged up on and bullied by an aggressive majority in any peer group.

I'll defend them if they're gay.
I'll defend them if they aren't.
I'll defend them if they're on my side.
I'll defend them if they're on the other side.

See...I was in a minority of ONE when I was in school. I've seen how bullies and groups of people who follow trends operate. I will resist them.

My issue here is not about matters of law as regards gay marriage. My issue is about how a group of people choose to treat a nonconforming member of the group.