The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122265 Message #2679947
Posted By: Amos
14-Jul-09 - 10:37 AM
Thread Name: BS: If God made a guitar it would be
Subject: RE: BS: If God made a guitar it would be
Where does anyone get the idea that God has pentedigital hands, opposable thumbs, padded palms, and elbows?
If He is the Infinite wind of creation behind all apparent universes, surely his guitar would be as wide as a nebulous cluster, and strung with ethereal 13-dimensional strings, from which a burst of Intelligence would draw such a chord as to change the courses of the galaxies and swing the stars into rhythm. Such a guitar would span time and light years, and be of no substance, but would be entirely a thrum of coruscating, sweet harmony informing all the pores of existence itself. The scales of such a guitar would melt and reform the very hearts of life wherever found.