The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122270   Message #2680078
Posted By: DMcG
14-Jul-09 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 4 features abc
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 4 features abc
I haven't said ABC is better than manuscript. I've simply said that one advantage is that it can be sent as a small amount of text (which was one of its original design goals, after all.) That allows it to be used in ways that manuscript can't. For example I can send ABC anywhere near instantly, often at no cost. With your postal approach, its likely to be at least a second class stamp and several days. Whether that's significant or not is another matter, but it is a difference.

One way that manuscript and 'larger' music programs win out over ABC (and I include cheapies like Harmony Assistant as well as the big players like Finale and Sibeleus) is that ABC does not include page layout facilities. So if your music stretches to three or four pages or more, you can pick exactly how its laid out in those programs but not in ABC. Horses, as they say, for courses.