The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122265   Message #2680292
Posted By: Ebbie
14-Jul-09 - 05:27 PM
Thread Name: BS: If God made a guitar it would be
Subject: RE: BS: If God made a guitar it would be
"Eventually, the guitar will mature into a fully fledged D-28 and settle into a life of predictable, steady playability. Then, one day, the braces closest to the sound-hole will begin to swell unaccountably, causing the sound-hole (to) close up and take on the appearance of a raspberry. The tuning machines will develop stripped gears and have to be replaced with artificial ones. Worst of all, the end-pin will become limp and flaccid and no amount of coaxing will make it go through a strap-hole"

Bdub, frankly, that is more than I need to know.