The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #115854   Message #2680323
Posted By: Don Firth
14-Jul-09 - 06:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
Subject: RE: BS: Californians Oppose 'Prop 8' Gay Marriage Ban
"Don and Ebbie appear to feel that homosexual promiscuity and the practice of anal sex cause the health problems which have been highlighted by the Centre for Disease Control. . . ."

I'm really sorry to learn that you have a reading disability, Ake. Where, exactly, did I say anything like that?

I have been trying to point out to you that HIV can be transmitted by homosexual practices (and heterosexual practices and blood transfusions and any other exchange of bodily fluids between an infected person of either sex and a not-infected person of either sex), but the virus is NOT created spontaneously by homosexual practices per se. I have posted this information a number of times—along with the historical data that the concept of "spontaneous generation" is a medieval superstition that was finally laid to rest by Louis Pasteur in 1864.

Ask any competent epidemiologist. Ask any competent doctor.

Be so kind as to stop misquoting me.

HIV/AIDS is NOT a specifically "homosexual disease" (even if a group of Los Angeles gays, for some cockamamie reason, want to own it!). It's an equal opportunity viral infection. The way to protect yourself is to avoid exchanging bodily fluids with an infected person (of either sex), and if you don't know if the person is infected or not, either avoid that kind of contact with them or, at the very least, make sure you take the necessary precautions.

And encouraging stable relationships by legalizing same-sex marriage will go a long way toward reducing promiscuity among gays. To simply ignore fact that is to turn away from the obvious.

But you already know all this. You just don't like it.

Don Firth