The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122270 Message #2682009
Posted By: Geoff the Duck
17-Jul-09 - 04:29 AM
Thread Name: BBC Radio 4 features abc
Subject: RE: BBC Radio 4 features abc
Hi All! People who have been reading this thread may notice that a bunch of postings have suddenly disappeared. It is nothing suspicious. In the middle of the tread, I asked a question about converting ABC to MusicXML, which is used by many sheet music typesetting programmes. Last night I realised that my question was in danger of hijacking this thread, and also decided that it had enough technical information in it to deserve its own "tech" thread, so I asked Joe Offer to move the relevant postings a new thread - Tech: convert ABC to MusicXML? . When I woke this morning the switch had happened. If anyone has any complaints about this, blame me. If anyone needs any of their comments back on this thread, ask Joe.
REMEMBER - this thread is to let people know that BBC Radio 4 are about to broadcast a programme about modern folk musicians swapping tune books via the internet, and how the ABC format of tune notation has made this possible. The programme, From Dots to Downloads goes out on Tuesday 21 July 2009.