The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #65865 Message #2682124
Posted By: GUEST
17-Jul-09 - 08:22 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
Subject: RE: Origins: Right Said Fred-what are they moving?
I used to listen to this song along with others - 'I'm a pink toothbrush' 'my boomerang won't come back' etc. They were all on an album called 'Smile' (I think that was the name anyway). There was a yellow smile (eyes and mouth) on a dark blue background, as the album cover. I remember my dad had to hide the album because I wanted to play it constantly! Now he's lost it and I'd really like to get it - anyone know where it is on the net.....I've searched but only get results on the Smile album by Brian Wilson (and that's not what I'm after). Would greatly appreciate any help, thanks.