The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119159   Message #2682294
Posted By: Amos
17-Jul-09 - 01:22 PM
Thread Name: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
Subject: RE: BS: The Bush Years In Retrospect
The Interior Department is dropping controversial plans to dramatically increase logging in western Oregon's forests, some of the nation's densest carbon stores.

The move scraps a Bush-era decision to rezone 2.6 million acres of Bureau of Land Management forests, which would have tripled current logging production and opened old-growth forests to clear-cutting. The attempt prompted a lawsuit by 13 environmental groups after the rule was finalized late last year.

Interior Secretary Ken Salazar yesterday called the Western Oregon Plan Revisions "legally indefensible" because BLM had ignored key Endangered Species Act consultation requirements. Also yesterday, Salazar announced that he will ask a court to annul last year's changes to the northern spotted owl's protected habitat, which enabled the timber plan to go through.

Conservation groups proclaimed the announcement a victory not only for wildlife but for the climate, as well.

"A lot more big, old-growth trees will remain standing and continue to suck up carbon," said Michael Francis, national forest director at the Wilderness Society.

(Repair, repair, repair....)