The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122347   Message #2682742
Posted By: catspaw49
18-Jul-09 - 08:02 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat can save your life !
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat can save your life !
Whoa up Lizzie........not true.

The part that's wrong is "avoided at all costs." What is very important is that you eat ANY food in moderation and be reasonably consistent. If you do, you will be okay with Warfarin. If you're prone to go on some spinach binge or whatever, either get that desire under control or avoid the stuff. Consistency is really the key.

You need to have your INR checked at least monthly and more often than that if you are out of limits. Karen and I have both been on the damn stuff for 10 years now, me for A-Fib and the artificial mitral valve and Karen for a clotting disorder which resulted in pulmonary embolisms.

AND.....So much is made of the "Coumadin Killers".....all the Vitamin K foods that we often forget the foods that actually enhance the thinning effect. A teaspoon of horseradish will take me from 3.0 where I try to stay to well over 4. So I really do try to avoid it even though I love it. I pigged out once on Shrimp with loads of a really great cocktail sauce one time without thinking about it and a few days later I happened to be at my anti-coag clinic appointment and registered a whopping 4.6.......not good. Garlic, cranberries.....there's a long list here as well.

And don't forget to keep an eye on the supplements taken as many multi-vitamins contain K as well as supplement nutrition drinks that are popular with many of the elderly. There are a number of sites that list food and other substances that affect clotting or your testing facility can provde one.

Consistency and moderation.
