The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122342   Message #2683063
Posted By: GUEST,eric the viking
18-Jul-09 - 07:24 PM
Thread Name: BS: OT Camper Vans
Subject: RE: BS: OT Camper Vans
Spleen. I'm glad you are getting better milage than the figure I quoted. I wasn't speaking from experience but only from reports I had been given particularly from dealers for some reason. We would have loved one, but a bit small for us when we take daughter, labrador and the cat (UK only). We sat in loads of good ones, very comfortable drive.

Collierlad, we got rear windows fitter to our relay for about £350.pretty good for Orkney. All the rest had been done. Our relay has 168000 on the clock, two weeks ago the clutch packed up. We got a second hand box coming up and a new clutch. When we get it done we'll be back on the road.