The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122347   Message #2683224
Posted By: Zen
19-Jul-09 - 06:52 AM
Thread Name: BS: Mudcat can save your life !
Subject: RE: BS: Mudcat can save your life !
Hi Heric,

Grapefruit is the biggest no-no with statins so, as Spaw said, best is to check with your specialist doctor about any particular interactions of your specific meds with pomegranate. Could be that changing the time you take the meds/juice might be judicious, as you said.

I take five different meds everyday including for high blood pressure and type two diabetes (I don't have high cholesterol but the practice here in Scotland is to prescribe statins anyway for diabetics) so checking interactions between each of the meds and between them and foods/drinks becomes quite a palaver. Doctors are not always the best at advising about this so I do my own research as well like Spaw.
