The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2683344
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
19-Jul-09 - 01:17 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
Sorry to keep coming in here, but this may be of use to some people:

Taken from here:Facebook Safety

"Facebook aspires to be an environment where people can interact safely with their friends and the people around them. We have implemented many safety and privacy controls on Facebook as part of our goal to enable people to share their information with only the people they want to see it. And we are constantly improving our systems for identifying and removing inappropriate content and people from the site..........

Despite Facebook's safety and privacy controls, Facebook cannot guarantee that its site is entirely free of illegal, offensive, pornographic or otherwise inappropriate material, or that its members will not encounter inappropriate or illegal conduct from other members. Consequently, you may encounter such content and conduct. You can help Facebook by notifying us of any nudity, pornography, harassment or unwelcome contact by clicking on the "Report" link located on pages throughout the site. Where confidential complaints are made through this site reporting tool, Facebook will do its best to remove the offending content or conduct and to warn or, as appropriate, to bar from the site those transmitting such content or engaging in such conduct within 24 hours of receiving your complaint.

Where complaints about nudity, pornography, harassment or unwelcome contact are made by independent email to Facebook will acknowledge receipt of your complaint and begin addressing your complaint within 24 hours of receipt. Facebook will report back to you within 72 hours of receiving your email complaint to inform you of the steps Facebook has taken to address the complaint.

Click here to contact the Independent Safety and Security Examiner (ISSE) regarding Facebook's complaint handling procedures. Please note that if you have not previously made a complaint to Facebook you should not use this link. Facebook is solely responsible for complaint handling, and you should address all complaints or reports of abuse directly to Facebook using the procedures described on this page.

We need all users to report suspicious people and inappropriate content they encounter on Facebook. We strongly encourage users under the age of 18 to talk to their parents or a responsible adult immediately if someone online says or does something to make them feel uncomfortable or threatened in any way.

Remember that although using fake names is a violation of the Facebook Terms of Use, people are not always who they say they are. You should always be careful when sending friend requests to, or accepting friend requests from, people you do not know in the real world. It is also always risky to meet anyone in person whom you don't know through real world friends.

Always follow these important safety tips when using Facebook:..."