The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122265   Message #2683381
Posted By: Little Hawk
19-Jul-09 - 02:12 PM
Thread Name: BS: If God made a guitar it would be
Subject: RE: BS: If God made a guitar it would be
Well, I ended up buying a Taylor guitar, but not the one I had linked to earlier. Instead, I got this one:

Taylor GS-6

It has Maple back and unusual choice for me to pick. I usually prefer Rosewood back and side. This guitar, however, has a wonderfully clear tone to it...quite different from the Rosewood guitars I normally go for, but good right across the whole range. It's also got a superb pickup pickup system in it and just "feels right".

It also comes with a hardshell case that's built like a battleship, and a whole bunch of handy information sheets on taking care of your acoustic guitar.

This is the first Taylor guitar I've ever owned, and I must say that I am very impressed by their high quality and their attention to all the little details.