The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #112758   Message #2684064
Posted By: open mike
20-Jul-09 - 04:44 PM
Thread Name: BS: Open Mike has lost her home & contents 2008
Subject: RE: BS: Open Mike has lost her home & contents 2008
One year after the fire and I have had Barry here with a portable wood mill ( to turn the burned trees into lumber for building a cabin. pix of my former home are on my facebook page...
this saw mill has a band not a blade, so has a smaller "kerf" and
gets more lumber (and less sawdust) out of each tree.

I also have a small nursery of pine, cedar, fir and sequoia trees
as well as Osage orange, or hedge apple, in containers ready to
plant when the land is recovered from the logging, and slash removal.

i am living in a motor home on the future building site, and also share a near-by cabin with one of my land partners, who also lost his
home. I use the cabin mostly for the bathroom, washing dishes, and storage. (as well as internet access..)

the fire i worked on last week was in an area that had a logging operation .. it is not known if the fire was started by the loggers,
but that is quite likely. the lightning fire i was called to last
month was fortunately accompanied by rain, so did not spread like
last year's dry lighting fires.

it is over 100 degrees here today...with possible highs over 110 in the valley...whew....i recall times when we have fought fires in the snow...i think i prefer that!!