The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122202   Message #2684273
Posted By: Severn
21-Jul-09 - 02:43 AM
Thread Name: Getaway 2009 Program Planning
Subject: RE: Getaway 2009 Program Planning
Hey, Nancy,

Some workshop suggestions (unused and recycled from last year):

"Hatred"----"One Sunday Morning", "Sam Hall", "I'm A Good Old Rebel", people, jobs, political institutions, nationalities or just the world in general. Vent with a passion!

"On The Lam"-Exiles, fugatives, outlaws, Foxes and Hares and just people running scared.

"Cities & Towns"-places you're proud of being from or merely glad you're far away from. People who belong there and sailors, travellers and bumpkins just passing through. Louisville, the hometown of Uncle Dave's heart to Jock Hawk In Glasgow-type first impressions.

Vile Fluids (Alchohol, poisons, medicines, potions, sewage, even Scottish waulking songs. Anything from "Cod Liver Oil" to the contents of Larry Marr's "Big Five Gallon Jar".

"Birds"-Hawks, chickens, ravens,cranes, goneys or linnets. From hungry vultures to bluebirds of happiness.

Disguises-Anything from "The Half Hitch" to "Claudy Banks" to "Queen Elenor's Confession" to "Sovay" to "The Handome Cabin Boy" Disguise is the limit!

"Diseases"-acne to pox to the common cold, from "slow condumption killing you by degrees' to "The Boogie Disease" (the doctor says you might get better, but you won't get well!, or even the Heebie Jeebies!

Just some ideas. See if any of this floats THIS year.....