The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2684953
Posted By: Lizzie Cornish 1
21-Jul-09 - 08:30 PM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
Tell you what, Joe....why don't you use some common sense and ban ALL 'Guests' from Mudcat, once and for all, particularly the facist ones, as Bruce suggested? You know that you can do that...

And as Bruce has said earlier on, you ban the likes of him, and me, and others, from this site, yet you let these bastards post.......?????????????

Yes, this thread is being watched by someone who is on Mudcat and who is playing these games, I can vouch for that, because they've just been over to my page again with someone else's identity from here....but the more people DON'T talk about them, the more nothing will get done.

I've just received notification from Facebook that they've got my email, which I sent to '' but the MORE emails they get telling them about this, the faster they'll sort it out.

Mudcat is NOT helping by allowing the 'Guest' posting system to remain. WHY do you have it in the first place? Why?

And as Bruce has written more political songs than you've had hot dinners, which have inspired more people to change the way they think, alongside inspiring and encouraging many people to write their own songs, even to this day, I'd suggest that you show him a little respect, Joe...rather than treat him like you have done, above..

Double yeesh!

And that goes for me too, after you're extremely rude PM to me over Tam and Crow Sister's threads.

Physician...Heal Thyself!

So...fulck the BNP and all who sail in her, or support her, be it politically, or on the internet, including those who allow facist/racist 'guests' to post on their sites, whilst banning some of their own members from time to time!

Triple Yeesh!!!

And now, I'll leave you to remove MY post, Joe....