The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121472   Message #2685063
Posted By: Little Hawk
22-Jul-09 - 02:23 AM
Thread Name: Folk Against Fascism
Subject: RE: Folk Against Fascism
Stay calm, folks. I am not defending the BNP. There is much you have to be worried about, I'm sure, but not that, okay? If I talk about some other aspects of the situation that I find interesting (such as that people in a very destructive political cause are quite often people who also genuinely like a number of good things that you too may like) I am simply saying it because I find that interesting...NOT because I am defending the BNP. Not in any way am I defending the BNP. I do not endorse their political views. I do not sympathize with their political views. I do not empathize with their political views. I hope they do not succeed in their political objectives.

I don't expect to improve the world by going into a frenzy of hatred here over them...or anyone else either.

As Joe Offer says: Keep it rational. Keep it reasonable. If all you are here for is to indulge yourself in expressing your outrage and your violent emotion, you will only succeed in reducing the discussion to a level of deep hostility...and driving away any people who don't agree with you 100% about absolutely everything...and occupying a lot of bandwidth just for the purpose of venting. And then what?

Anyway, I'm quite happy to leave you to it. I have no big stake in proving anything to anyone here. I just talk about a subject if I find it interesting. If all people want to do here is fight and express outrage...well, like I said, I'm happy to leave you to it. Enjoy the excitement and drama, I guess...

See you on some other thread, no doubt.