The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #107818 Message #2686080
Posted By: GUEST,Carlos
23-Jul-09 - 12:46 PM
Thread Name: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
Subject: RE: seeking: Time and Tune/Singing Together recording
i managed to pick up the time and tune " the orchestra" summer 1980, "the radio station" sumer 1981 "Ming Ming and the Lantern Dragon" spring 1980 and "Jack and the Beanstalk" autumn 1979.
all from 1 seller on ebay 2 years ago, some dude tried to outbid me, but personally i would have gone up to £50 for my childhood memories!! got all of them for £11.50!!!
If anyone wants me to scan and send I would happilly share, as long as someone actually comes up with the recordings lol!!!