The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #120450   Message #2686817
Posted By: Alice
25-Jul-09 - 11:33 AM
Thread Name: BS: Funny Police Reports in your home town
Subject: RE: BS: Funny Police Reports in your home town
* A man in a uniform tried to sell a security system to an 80-year-old woman. The man did not leave a name or a number, but the woman's daughter called police requesting extra patrol in the area around her mother's residence.
(This "security" sales guy came to my door about a week ago!! alice)

* Officers warned a male for running around naked outside.

* A man who turned in a marijuana pipe he had found the night before expressed concerns that the car it came from was an ex-patrol vehicle.

* A caller reported a suspicious phone call involving a $1,000 charge for $500 worth of pizza. The call is being treated as an identity theft scenario.

* A woman reported her neighbor was lying out on the lawn in his underwear.

The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office reports for Wednesday include the following:

* A 7-year-old boy was warned for wandering into other people's homes without permission. He was apparently just looking for someone to play with.

* A caller was concerned about a satellite TV service man who came back to her home to pick up some tools he supposedly left behind. She did not think he had left anything behind.

An airplane flying erratically and emitting smoke near Davis Lane around 6 p.m. turned out to a man flying a model plane with an attached smoke machine.

One-ton round hay bales fell off a truck near the East Main Street Interchange around 8 p.m.

The Gallatin County Sheriff's Office reports for Thursday included the following:

The owner of a business was afraid a recently fired disgruntled employee and his brother were going to come to the business and take a desk.

Kids were going on boats and "fiddling with stuff" at the Rainbow Point Campground.