The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #119520   Message #2687237
Posted By: Max
25-Jul-09 - 11:01 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Master - Max D. Spiegel
Subject: RE: Mudcat Master - Max D. Spiegel
Wow, I almost missed this thread altogether. Thanks all. Yes, we had a bit of a hiccup yesterday, sorry about that. I am told it was not a human error, but a system error, so who can I be mad at? These companies aren't getting better, they're getting better at deflecting responsibility.

New job is going well, as far as I know. No one yells at me at least, and I enjoy the work very much.

I'm also really digging being on the Folk Show and The Blues on WPSU FM (where I am typing from now actually). Tune in now. Anyway, it seems opportunity abounds around here.

The beagle and I have a new home on 65 acres of perfect Pennsylvania wood, so we couldn't be happier. Fish and game, bullets and bait.

BTW, the auction is offline, something went very wrong there, and it might take me some time to untangle.

Bill D. I took note of your comment about showing up every 1000 years a bit personal. I'm hurt.

more soon... (and I LOVE you all more than you can know)