The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122471   Message #2687403
Posted By: gnu
26-Jul-09 - 01:18 PM
Thread Name: BS: So long... and thanks for all the fish!
Subject: RE: BS: So long... and thanks for all the fish!
Oh... I just thought of something else for a discussion about leaving in circumstances such as those above.

Once again, I would like to thank Max and the moderators for the "freedom of speech" policy and all the hard work they do. Some may say they are "just human", but the mods did a pretty good job of curbing the bullying and nastiness as much as they could when I and others called upon their help. They can't work miracles, but they did what they could. One in particular... thanks again.

I would like to see a Mudchat where posts remained viewable for a couple of days. I think that would hold the tongues of bullies accountable. But, I realize it might not be in the budget just yet.

Sorry about that... until my memory kicks in again, goodbye.