The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #80010 Message #2687963
Posted By: GUEST,John from "Elsie`s Band"
27-Jul-09 - 09:41 AM
Thread Name: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Subject: RE: Origins: Buttercup Joe - how old is this song?
Barbara & Artful Codger, Having just come across this thread I must tell you that I wrote the version to which you refer, that of Michael Cooney. As a child I had a copy of the ZONOPHONE record from my grandmother but, as so many things in this life, it just got lost. I revived the song, based on what I could remember, for our group, "FOUR SQUARE CIRCLE" in the middle to late 60`s. Dave Andrews of Clacton, Essex has a copy of the Cooney recording making reference to him hearing it in S.London, most probably us in "The Old Tigers Head", Lee Green./