The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122482   Message #2687982
Posted By: meself
27-Jul-09 - 10:25 AM
Thread Name: BS: Baby on board
Subject: RE: BS: Baby on board
Here's the trouble with pedantry, at least as it pertains to language: when I was in grade 5, I was taught deliberately and distinctly by one of those old-school pedants that the word "Arctic" is pronounced "Artic" - the "c", I was told, is silent, as the "t" in "often"; if I were to hear you say, "ArKtic", I would think to myself, "Poor fellow, he must have been home with galloping consumption that day", as you, hearing my pronunciation of the same word, might think, "This backwoods buffoon would do better to restrict himself to utterance of the unisyllabic mode." Which one of us has the "correct" pronunciation? Someday I may get around to blowing the dust off certain weighty tomes in an obscure corner of my bookshelf to discover what the ancients have to say on the matter; until then, I will go on assuming that MY teachers were always right, and everyone else's teachers were, sadly and all-too-humanly, fallible.

I don't think there is a week that goes by on this very forum that someone doesn't attempt to correct the English of another poster by citing some wrongheaded, archaic, and thoroughly discredited "rule" that was dunned into their head when they were young and impressionable.