The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2689751
Posted By: Crow Sister (off with the fairies)
29-Jul-09 - 01:58 PM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
Lidl is definitely very posh! Have you seen the shiny big cars and heard the plummy accents wot shop there? And the biggest give away is when the owners of same posh cars and accents, don't notice you or say things like "please" and "thank you" or "Oops, excuse me?", y'know the sort of polite niceties & stuff that only us smelly common types say.

Can we have a village guillotine maybe, and y'know a village 'revolution' sorta thing - mainly for the noovo rich (yes I hate them burning up the lanes in their big black 4x4's, with red dyed skin, presumably pricey market clothes and just general fucking horribleness), but also for posh people what shop at Lidl and are secretly embarrassed by it.. They really aughta know to stay 'in their place' and go to Waitrose.