The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #122558   Message #2690029
Posted By: SharonA
29-Jul-09 - 08:50 PM
Thread Name: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
Subject: RE: BS: Glenn Beck - Obama's a racist
"I think the ONLY thing Beck cares about is his ratings and his own pocketbook."

Right you are, Wesley. I remember when he was broadcasting his radio show in Philadelphia PA, before he was syndicated. He was just kinda funny and goofy then, without the high level of rip-roaring rhetoric. But then the siren of ratings lured him, and he found that they spiked whenever he regurgitated right-wing talking points... and the more idiotic the rhetoric, the higher the ratings. Next thing we Philadelphia-area listeners knew, he was moving his home base from Philly to New York City, and moving his home from the Delaware Valley to somewhere in Connecticut. Good riddance to him, I say!