The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #99894 Message #2691300
Posted By: Steve Gardham
31-Jul-09 - 06:54 PM
Thread Name: Songs about Whitby??!
Subject: RE: Songs about Whitby??!
I wrote the Whitby Seaweed Dance as a sort of mock morris using actual kelp stems for a Whitby fringe event about 30 years ago. I then adapted it for country dance. I still use it occasionally, but Roy Atkinson uses it a lot in his calling.
The famous Arthur Wood of Middlesborough and Littlebeck sang 'The Cliffs of Old Whitby' but I think it was just an adaptation of 'The Cliffs of Old Tynemouth'. It's in 'The Songs of the Ridings' by Nigel Hudleston. We have copies for sale from Yorkshire Garland events.