The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121253   Message #2691339
Posted By: LilyFestre
31-Jul-09 - 07:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: Accountability All Summer Long 2009!
Subject: RE: BS: Accountability All Summer Long 2009!
****Cheering for Kat****

Catherine.....side effects....ewwwwwwwwww. Hope you are feeling MUCH better (which I imagine you are given the activities you posted!)

Big news for me...I have been asked to join a triathlon team!!! It's a mini triathlon with kayaking, running and biking. I've been asked by 3 different teams if I would be their paddler!!! WOOO HOOOO! That's exciting to me!!!!!

Let's see....yesterday I walked 3 miles. Today I did yoga for an hour. Shavasana was difficult as I pulled a muscle in my back last week. I'm happy to say though, that it's getting better!

Tomorrow I am taking out 20 new kayakers...I am SO FREAKING EXCITED that I can hardly wait!!! The weather forecast is in our favor: 86 degrees, sunny and less humid! And today it poured which means water levels will be UP....this is GOOD NEWS!!! HOORAY! I'll let you know how it goes!
