The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2691506
Posted By: Jack Blandiver
01-Aug-09 - 06:17 AM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village

I'm not a great fan of Brassed off and The Full Monty because they were killed by the hype; if I'd come across them on a rainy afternoon on BBC2 things might have been different. And how can we take Robert Carlisle seriously as a Yorkshireman? This is Begbie for Christ's sake!

I don't much like Four Weddings and Funeral Either, though I might have done if they'd gone for the title proposed for the American which was (legend has it) Toffs on Heat. I've nothing against Andie McDowell - Groundhog Day is a firm favourite - but I resent mawkishness. I had to sit through Peter's Friends once and was, as a consequence, physically sick.

I don't get the Political Soapboxing of Amber Films either, however much I admire their no-budget aesthetic; too mired in rosy sentimentality and ruined by the shite acting of the ubiquitous (and eponymous?) leading lady, especially when we see her alongside real people.

I love Shane Meadows - his This is England is a very crucial piece of work.