The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #121939   Message #2691531
Posted By: Stu
01-Aug-09 - 06:57 AM
Thread Name: The re-Imagined Village
Subject: RE: The re-Imagined Village
I love This is England. Just got my first pair of Dockers, age 42 and I shall wear them for the rest of my life (er, not the same pair). Although I was never a rude by, growing up in the far southern suburbs of Brum in the late 70's early 80s Two Tone was very dear to our hearts (I used to sit next to the sister of the lead singer of Spizz Energi (Where's Captain Kirk?) who were signed to the label so got lots of stickers etc straight from the record company. I was more of a rocker at heart really, but still love Two-Tone to this day.

Agree with SOP regarding the FWAAF and would include Notting Hill et al in with that particular bushel of bilge, although I can live with Brassed Off as I like Pete Posthlethwaite. For the Horror season perhaps we could start with Shaun of the Dead followed by Dog Soldiers and The Hole? Perhaps even weekly re-runs of Hammer House of Horror.